JoomLMS ELearning Blog

How to Make E-Learning Effective?
Expert Interview
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 24 Aug 2017
hits Hits: 14340

It’s taken awhile, but online business owners are starting to understand that the Learning Management System purchase doesn’t guarantee the business success and it is just a half of the battle. Far more important is a unique idea, eLearning quality and the way online courses are built and organized.

Herewith, many eLearning business owners get frustrated by putting time and effort into creating online courses and seeing no outcome, zero students’ engagement and motivation.

ELearning Podcasting for Beginners
Expert Interview
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 22 Aug 2017
hits Hits: 8069

Not a long time ago we shared with you 15 Podcast Episodes to Help you Launch a Successful Online Courses Business. One of the podcasts belonged to a business strategist, marketer, and entrepreneur – John Colley. His podcast “The Optimistic Entrepreneur” is oriented at online courses business owners and is a great place to learn from top online entrepreneurs, bloggers, speakers and course creators.

When I reached out and ask if John would be interested in being interviewed for the JoomLMS blog he didn’t have to think twice.

So, here we go…

ELearning Business Types
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 17 Aug 2017
hits Hits: 15037

It’s not so far in the dim distant past that no one thought of studying online, now it is hard to come by a person who has never taken an online course. ELearning, thanks to its flexibility, affordable price, mobility and effectiveness, finds more and more adherents all over the world.

Not surprisingly, the markets of online education and training are tremendously growing. According to the Strategic Assessment and Forecast 2017-2022, the global eLearning market is expected to reach $275.10 billion by 2022 (by comparison, in 2014 the size of the market was $165,36 billion) [source]..

Instructional Design Resources
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 10 Aug 2017
hits Hits: 18981

I think you will agree that keeping costs down when developing online courses is a key to eLearning business stability and lasting ROI.

Over the years of the JoomLMS company existence we have assisted many clients – small eLearning business owners and startup founders, who couldn’t afford hiring experienced instructional designers and content creators and looked for any possible means to cut the eLearning project costs. To help them we published a bunch of the JoomLMS workarounds to unlock the hidden functionality of the LMS system, shared partner coupons to save on authoring tools and recommended free eLearning resources for eLearning professionals.

ELearning advantages and disadvantages
Guest Posts
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 31 Jul 2017
hits Hits: 131572

Digital revolution affects education too, changing the whole learning process in so many ways. The word “e-learning” doesn’t sound unfamiliar to many of us these days. Moreover, most of us associate it with not only technological progress but also with big opportunities.

But is e-learning really as effective as it seems? Or it cannot replace classical education (at least at this point)? Let’s find it out together.