JoomLMS Changelog

JoomLMS 3.0.3 - 15 July 2024

The primary goal of this release was to introduce a new Licensing model making JoomLMS an open-source product released under the GPL license. More information is available here.

Important notes about upgrading existing installations: JoomLMS 3.0.2 upgrade is required prior to 3.0.3


  • removed Ioncube Loader requirement
  • PHP 8.2 compatibility

JoomLMS 3.0.2

The primary goal of this release was to introduce a new Licensing model making JoomLMS an open-source product released under the GPL license. More information is available here.


  • introduced the new Licensing model


  • Joomla 4.x compatibility fixes
  • Fixed several issues with the SCORM player
  • Fixed several issues with GoToMeeting integration
  • Fixed several issues with Excel export/import
  • Several fixes related to datetime and time zone estimations
  • Several fixes in the Quizzes tool
  • Several UI/CSS/JS fixes
  • Other general fixes and improvements

JoomLMS 3.0.1 – 12 March 2024

The primary goal of this release was to fix the issues reported since the last JoomLMS 3.0.0 update


  • Joomla 4.4.x compatibility improvements
  • PHP 8.x compatibility improvements
  • MySQL 8 compatibility improvements
  • ACL improvements and better handling of "private" groups


  • Users adding/enrollment fixes
  • Timezone-estimation related bugfixes
  • Compatibility fixes with 3PD Joomla extensions
  • Backend UI with Joomla4 compatibility fixes
  • Fixed several issues with payments on Joomla 4 in some environments
  • Fixed several problems with plugin triggers for custom projects
  • SCORM player minor fixes
  • Documents uploading issues fixed
  • Fixed several problems with email notifications
  • Fixed PHP errors/notices in several parts of the system
  • Fixed problem with payment invoice generation in some environments
  • Fixed issues with coupons and discounts in some environments
  • Fixed problem with subscription assignment
  • Quiz questions management fixes
  • Fixed problem with homework assignment submissions
  • Various minor UI fixes and improvements

JoomLMS 3.0.0 – 10 August 2023

This release is mainly about Joomla 4.x compatibility, code refactoring, and codebase optimizations.


  • Joomla 4.x compatibility
  • PHP 8.1.x compatibility. JoomLMS now compatible with: 7.x and 8.1.x (there is no support yet for 8.0.x and 8.2.x)
  • MySQL8 compatibility


  • Code refactoring, 3PD libraries upgrade, security review/testing
  • Performance optimizations
  • Minor UI adjustments/improvements

JoomLMS 2.3.0 – 29 December 2021

The primary goal of this release was to make JoomLMS PHP 7.4.x compatible.


  • PHP 7.4.x compatibility fixes;
  • MySQL 8 compatibility fixes;
  • Joomla!® 3.9.26+ and Joomla!® 3.10.x compatibility fixes;
  • code refactoring, more override possibilities, new event triggers;
  • SQL queries performance improvements;
  • vulnerabilities testing, code review, security issues fixes;
  • GoToMeeting integration fixes and improvements (code updates for the respective recent changes on the GoToMeeting and LogMeIn side);


  • improved Quiz reporting performance on big databases;
  • new/updated translations: French, Spanish;
  • minor CSS improvements and UI styling adjustments;
  • course Topics layout improvements;
  • meta tags management improvements for the main JoomLMS pages;
  • Question Pool pages performance improvements;
  • performance fixes for the backend Certificates list;
  • 'Group members' backend page adjustments;
  • Discount Coupons usage improvements;
  • Completion report XLS format adjustments;
  • SCORM engine reporting improvements;
  • slight Assignments UI and styling improvements;
  • minor Gradebook styling improvements;
  • improved Learning Paths compatibility with 3rd party scripts/extensions;
  • improved performance and stability for large installations;


  • several issues with Drag&Drop questions on iOS devices;
  • issues with Learning Paths notification emails;
  • issues with Assignments activities within Learning Paths in certain cases;
  • issues with Assignment submissions in non-Latin encodings on some systems;
  • minor issues with XLS reporting on some server configurations;
  • some bugs and security issues with File Library and Documents tools;
  • SCORM engine compatibility issues caused by the recent Chromium engine changes;
  • several general ACL permissions issues;
  • ACL permissions issues for sub-categories;
  • issue with saving JoomLMS backend settings on certain server configurations;
  • XLS format issue for the Likert Scale quiz questions report;
  • CEO user role main page UI issues;
  • usergroups removal issue;
  • several compatibility issues with various LTI resources;
  • incorrect date display (due to the timezone offset) in several email notifications;
  • manual payments creation issue in backend;
  • several issues in CSV reporting (Gradebook, Tracking);
  • Assignments review and management issues;
  • Gradebook searching and filtering errors in some specific cases;
  • compatibility issues with 'RegularLabs' Joomla!(r) extensions;
  • several Mailbox ACL bugs;

JoomLMS 2.2.1 – 17 October 2019

The primary goal of this release was to make JoomLMS PHP 7.3.x compatible.


  • PHP 7.3.x compatibility. JoomLMS now can work on all PHP versions from PHP 5.6.x to 7.3.x;


  • Translation: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian;
  • GoToMeeting integration update;
  • The "LMS homepage" and "Courses List" pages performance improvement and optimization;
  • The 'Add user' pages performance on large database sites improvement;
  • UI/UX improvements to the course and content creation/management functionality;
  • ACL and permissions checking for the 'Course import' page improvements;
  • The user roles with the 'work with assigned groups only' permission enabled improved functionality;
  • Quizzes: SQL optimizations and speed improvements;


  • Joomla!® 3.9.x compatibility bugs fixed;
  • Issues with redirection between the pages for guests and registered users fixed;
  • Issues with courses Export/Import fixed;
  • Discount calculation errors fixed;
  • The 'Course completion' email notification bug fixed;
  • Displaying the File Library resources on the Course Home page fixed;
  • The Learning Path step completion status changing by Teacher/Admin bug fixed;
  • Joomla! CMS modules management functionality on the 5th step of Course Builder fixed;

JoomLMS 2.2.0 – 10 January 2019

The primary goal of this release was to make JoomLMS LTI and PHP 7.2.x compatible.


  • LTI compatibility. JoomLMS can work as an LTI tool consumer, this allows users to interact with LTI-compliant resources and activities on the other websites;
  • PHP 7.2.x compatibility. JoomLMS now can work on all PHP versions from PHP 5.6.x to 7.2.x;
  • Joomla 3.9.x compatibility.


  • LTI standard compatibility (LTI compliant resources to courses and File Library added;
  • PHP 7.1 and PHP 7.2 compatibility (PHP 5.6 and 7.0 compatibility preserved);
  • Joomla 3.8.x/3.9.x tested;
  • SCORM reporting upgrade(see below);
  • HTML5 audio/video handling upgrade;
  • UI fixes for various devices and screen sizes, improvements for 'Print' layout of JoomLMS pages;
  • configurable 'require password reset' setting for CSV-imported users;
  • possibility to limit discounts (for paid course subscriptions) to specific Joomla group;
  • possibility to register new user accounts from frontend (configurable ACL permission for each user role in JoomLMS);
  • additional ACL permissions for Mailbox tool;
  • HTML descriptions for course categories;
  • SCORM statistics report is tracking all attempts (XLS/PDF export);
  • SCORM interactions report (list of questions/answers for SCORM quizzes) for 'graded' attempt (if such data is tracked by SCORM);
  • AICC: better handling of remote https resources;
  • handling of multi-SCO SCORM resources improvement;
  • handling of the "SCORM resume" feature improvement;
  • compatibility with "Open in new window" resources improvement;


  • Course/Users removing operations: performance fixes;
  • Global questions pool [PRO only]: performance fixes;
  • LPaths navigation on big sites (with big number of LPaths/Steps): performance fixes;
  • Users management (both frontend and backend): performance fixes and SQL optimizations;
  • Navigation in courses with topics: performance fixes;
  • 'Tracking' tool pages: performance fixes and SQL optimizations.

Courses and Subscriptions:

  • Course categories: HTML description show during course subscribe process when courses/subscriptions filtered by specific category;
  • Course Export/Import general improvements and fixes (handling of JoomLMS modules, fixes);
  • Fix: export/import of really big courses (4Gb+);
  • Course registration questions page: UI and usability improvements.


  • better handling of 'work with assigned groups only' ACL permission all over the system (e.g. mailbox, gradebook, reporting etc);
  • time zone time offset related fixes;
  • community Builder compatibility fixes;
  • compatibility fixes for AllVideos and other 'media embedding' plugins;
  • problem with temporary completions disappearing on some system configurations fixed;
  • 3rd and 4th edition compatibility fixes;
  • 'time spent' estimation fixed;
  • Mailbox: general fixes, improved access control permissions;
  • Assignments: UI improvements, time zone time offset fixes;;
  • Quizzes: fixed several issues related to completion date on certificates;
  • Reporting: Several fixes with Reporting tools for users with "Work with assigned groups only" permission;
  • Reporting: fixed 'Likert Scale' question reports;
  • Reporting: time zone time offset fixes for Quizzes reports UI: top 'Menu' module layout fixes, 'Login' module CSS fixes.


  • Database check: general fixes and improvements;
  • Database check: fixed a problem when maintenance process blocked by server firewall;
  • Certificates list: improved filtering and navigation.

JoomLMS 2.1.3 – 28 April 2017

The primary goal of this release was to fix JoomLMS 2.1.2 critical error.

JoomLMS 2.1.2 – 27 April 2017

The primary goal of this release was to make JoomLMS Joomla! 3.7 compatible, update translation and template settings, bring changes in the VirtueMart integration.

  • Joomla! 3.7 compatibility;
  • A possibility to configure an individual color scheme and a page header logo for each course.
  • Updated translations into French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Latvian;
  • Changes in the JoomLMS-VirtueMart integration.
  • Fixed the issue with the payment statuses’ display/handling;
  • Fixed the bug with the manual changing of the SCORM completion status;
  • Fixed the issue with adding teacher assistants into courses;
  • Fixed the SCORM tracking statistics display issue;
  • Fixed the issues with certificates’ printing in some specific scenarios;
  • Several minor CSS and layout fixes;
  • GoToMeeting integration: fixed audio issues on some client-side configurations;
  • Fixed the "Advanced Module Manager" extension’s compatibility issues.

JoomLMS 2.1.1 – 17 March 2017

The primary goal of this release was to fix the issues reported since the last JoomLMS 2.1.0 update.

  • Documents’ editing procedure.
  • Fixed JoomLMS 2.1.x migration procedures’ bugs;
  • Several CSS fixes;
  • Fixed the permissions issues related to a teacher-student role switching;
  • Fixed the certificate printing issues appearing in some specific scenarios;
  • Fixed certificates’ text positioning bugs;
  • Fixed the issues with XLS reports’ generation on some server configurations;
  • Fixed the problems with charts’ display appearing on some server configurations;
  • Fixed the problem with SCORM resources resuming in some specific scenarios;
  • FFixed the problems with Discounts/Coupons usage when several different discount types are applied simultaneously;
  • Fixed the problem with replying to emails in mailbox tool for teachers;
  • Fixed the problem with Learning paths fail to be created on some server configurations.

JoomLMS 2.1.0 – 2 March 2017

The primary goal of this release was to make JoomLMS PHP7 Comaptible, enhance reporting functionality and update database maintenance procedure.

  • PHP7 compatibility;
  • XLSX Reports' Format;
  • New Charts and a new Excel library.
  • Reports' Optimization;
  • Database Refactoring;
  • SCORM EngineRefactoring;
  • Course logo manager: possibility to remove previously uploaded images;
  • Course Builder: minor UI, styling and usability improvements;
  • Mailbox: improved UI and usability, read/unread feature, new ‘view message’ page styling;
  • Shopping cart: UI improvements, field styling and usability improvements of coupon codes;
  • Learning Paths: UI improvements of LP steps creation process;
  • Teacher/Student roles switching page: UI and styling improvements;
  • Quizzes: “Likert scale” questions can now be used as graded ones;
  • Several CSS styling improvements (LMS homepage, gradebook, reporting and other pages).
  • Compatibility fixes with the latest Joomla! versions;
  • Calendar fields fixes (the pages with the start/end dates specified);
  • Course logo manager fixes;
  • SEF URLs generation fixes;
  • Fixed Mailbox pagination, search features and removal of messages;
  • Compatibility fixes with several 3PD templates and JS/CSS frameworks;
  • Import/Export course functionality fixes: the course/teacher logos and the course homepage modules are handled correctly now;
  • Fixed assignments grades display (on the Assignments results page and within the Learning Paths);
  • Fixed the calculation of discount prices when several different discount types are applied at the same time;
  • Fixed certificates management at the backend: ordering, pagination and certificates removal;
  • Fixed HTML5 video playing on mobile devices (the Documents tool);
  • Fixed several server connection issues with the GTM meetings plugin;
  • Fixed the Quizzes tool timer freezing issues and timer speed problems;
  • Fixed the Documents tool unzipping procedures;
  • Fixed quizzes navigation issues within the Learning paths (appeared on rare specific server configurations only);
  • Fixed issues with playing AICC resources;
  • Fixed a possibility to change the color of all the JoomLMS icons by editing the template settings;
  • Modules no longer disappear on the course homepage;
  • Fixed several infinite redirects for some specific teacher/CEO/administrator roles configurations;
  • Fixed the Announcements tool bugs caused by time zone and DST offsets estimation;
  • Fixed the early course expiration bugs caused by time zone and DST offset estimation;
  • Fixed the login/registration redirects bugs during the course enrollment/subscription;
  • Several CSS/JS fixes;
  • Many other minor bugfixes.

JoomLMS 2.0.4 – 9 June 2016

The primary goal of this release was to launch JoomLMS Mobile App for Android and iOS and a new courses layout (grid view).

  • JoomLMS Mobile App for Android and iOS;
  • Grid Courses layout;
  • A possibility to crop Course/Teacher logos.
  • Possibility to create time-to-time announcements (e.g. events that lasts several hours);
  • FrontEnd Course Users Management for roles with 'work with assigned groups only' permissions (they can manage their users);
  • Improved export/import of FileLibrary resources;
  • Core performance improvements;
  • SEF URLs generation performance fixes;
  • Language files parsing performance optimization;
  • 'Courses List' page, JoomLMS homepage and other most used pages database queries performance optimization.
  • Fixed issues with AICC and SCORM players;
  • Drag&Drop questions interface fixes;
  • HotSpot questions functionality fixes;
  • Overall system CSS fixes;
  • payment method fixes (failure to proceed payments with some Credit Cards;
  • Fixed tax estimation algorithms (during subscriptions checkout);
  • Fixed issues with GoToMeeting webinars plugin on some servers;
  • Courses export/import fixes;
  • Compatibility fixes with "Advanced Module Manager" extension for Joomla!;
  • Fixed issues with the quiz resuming when the number of attempts is limited;
  • Joomla 3.5.x compatibility fixes;
  • Fixes related to HTML5 video playing;
  • Course enrollment/registration fixes.

JoomLMS 2.0.3 – 17 February 2016

The primary goal of this release was to bring such new features as a new course settings, new payment methods, new modules, Italian and Hungarian translations, a number of layout and UI improvements and fixes that address recent Joomla! CMS updates issues.

  • New course settings: a possibility to configure the way students see the course resources results;
  • New payment methods RoboKassa and Free trial;
  • Italian and Hungarian translations;
  • New modules: “My courses” and "Switch course".
  • Touch screen support for Drag&Drop questions as well as better optimization for various LMS elements (login, top header, and menu);
  • UI/CSS fixes for cart pages and checkout proces;
  • Session-relates fixes (an issue with remembering filter states, a problem with teacher/student switching mode);
  • VirtueMart integration fixes (VM 3.x compatibility fixes, post-checkout enrollment fixes and improvements);
  • SCORM player UI styling, SqueezeBox layout and IE compatibility fixes;
  • Courses import by uploading a file fixes;
  • UCreating/editing resources fixes;
  • Users management’ pages of the courses fixes;
  • TAX estimation, new geolocation service to correctly detect country/state by IP fixes.
  • Improved the registration/login process during the enrollment/checkout;
  • Improved the registration/login process during the enrollment/checkout;
  • Improved the Back End payments search feature, added information about the “coupon code” used and a filter “by a coupon code”.;
  • Improved filter by category;
  • Improved course topics management (a possibility to add resources from the File Library to the Topics);
  • Added new indexes to tables, optimized several resource-intensive queries and improved database structure;
  • "New/Import" buttons to the ‘My Courses’ module at the JoomLMS homepage.

JoomLMS 2.0.2 – 21 July 2015

The primary goal of this release was a PDF certificates feature and a number of fixes and improvements.

  • jpg. certificates images are converted to PDF for an easy and comfortable printing from the browser.
  • Joomla 3.4.3 compatibility issues;
  • Translation issues in Assignments and Quizzes JoomLMS tools;
  • Updated translations: German, Spanish, Russian;
  • Other general fixes, UI adjustments and stability improvements.
  • Improved compatibility with legacy and non-bootstrap templates.

JoomLMS 2.0.1 – 11 June 2015

The primary goal of this release was introducing automatic JoomLMS updates, new course modules, new interface languages and a possibility to add assignments as steps to learning paths.

  • JoomLMS Automatic Update by Means of Joomla! Updater
  • Assignments Integration into Learning Paths
  • “Buy This Course”, “Recent documents”, “Recent messages” course modules
  • Russian, German and Spanish Language Interface

JoomLMS 2.0 – 13 April 2015

The primary goal of this release was introducing new redesigned JoomLMS layout, tablet compatibility, a course builder and the integration with GoToMeeting Conference Platform.

  • Responsive layout
  • New customizable template
  • An embedded Course Builder
  • Learning-path based, webinar-based and materials-based patterns
  • GoToMeeting Integration
  • Joomla! 3.4 compatibility

JoomLMS 1.3.3 – 30 May 2014

The primary aim of this release is introducing Joomla! 3.3.x compatibility for JoomLMS extension itself and its addons.

  • Joomla! 3.3.x compatibility
  • Gradebook performance and resource usage optimizations
  • Enrollment email notifications after updating payment status from BackEnd
  • Added 'Enrollment time' column in BackEnd students management
  • Pagination issues on several BackEnd pages
  • Course templates extracting issue
  • SMF integration (compatibility with Virtuemart, Joomla 3.3, several errors fixed)
  • Problem with JoomLMS Drop-Down questions answering on some server configurations
  • Maintenance log export formatting

JoomLMS 1.3.2 – 8 May 2014

The primary aim of this release is introducing Joomla! 3.2 compatibility for JoomLMS extension itself and its addons.

  • Joomla! 3.2 compatibility
  • AICC compliance, improved SCORM compatibility
  • PHP 5.5 compatibility
  • IE10/11 compatibility
  • SQL optimizations
  • Community Builder integration
  • SMF Forum integration

JoomLMS 1.3.0 – 17 July 2013

The primary aim of this release is introducing Joomla! 3.0 and 3.1 compatibility for JoomLMS extension itself and its addons.

  • Joomla 3.0.x and Joomla 3.1.x compatibility
  • Course prerequisites
  • Possibility to change learning path completion status for users including changing of individual learning path steps statuses
  • Course completion criteria based on SCORMs
  • Language switcher plugin for JoomLMS interface language
  • Auto-subscriptions plugin
  • Learning Paths navigation model
  • Installation using Joomla ‘Discover’ method
  • Date format: m-d-Y added
  • Export list of payments to XLS
  • Quizzes total score is shown for quizzes with questions from pool now
  • Several problems with upload, extracting and parsing SCORM packages
  • Improved compatibility with multi-SCO SCORMs
  • Updated translations: Russian, Chinese
  • Updated extensions: Jcomments, JReviews, Community Builder / JomSocial and Virtuemart integration
  • Improved compatibility with multi-SCO SCORMs
  • Updated courses removal process
  • Joomla 1.6.x compatibility removed

JoomLMS 1.2.5 – 22 February 2012

The primary aim of this release is introducing Joomla! 2.5 compatibility for JoomLMS extension itself and its addons.

  • Joomla 2.5 compatibility
  • Option to disable a possibility to purchase several 'X days' subscriptions at once
  • (JoomLMS-Virtuemart integration) Compatibility with Virtuemart 2.x
  • Compatibility with latest version of AllVideos extension
  • Updated Chinese translation
  • JoomLMS modules layout in Joomla 1.6+
  • SCORM tracking issues
  • UTF-8 compatibility enhancements
  • SMF forum login issues
  • Squeezebox plugin JavaScript errors
  • Teacher/student roles switching issues
  • Mailbox pages translation issues
  • Mootools 1.2 minor compatibility issues
  • Minor layout fixes for IE7 browser
  • Blank page' issue in Announcements tool on some server configurations
  • Some JoomLMS configuration settings are not applied at FrontEnd
  • Questions import/export issues
  • Gradebook XLS export issues
  • BackEnd translation fixes
  • PHP errors in BackEnd if custom WYSIWYG editor is used
  • CSV Users export/import issues
  • Some other minor bugfixes

JoomLMS 1.2.0 – 29 August 2011

The primary aim of this release is introducing Joomla 1.7 compatibility and new modules for Joomla!

  • Joomla 1.7 compatibility
  • Support of the UTF-8 characters in paid subscription names using PayPal payment gateway
  • Updated 'Russian' translation
  • Updated 'Course Action Button' plugin
  • Updated installation helper and component installer
  • Forum posts' module shows more detailed information (course name, topic name, author added)
  • Login/Register functionality and layout updates
  • Several PHP 5.2.x compatibility issues
  • Issue with downloading files from documents tool
  • Issue with the usage of discount coupons with payment method
  • PHP notice in the Homework tool
  • Certificates, Mailbox, Forum posts modules not shown on LMS homepage (for some configurations)
  • Issue with playing mp3 files in the Documents tool
  • Compatibility issues with Javascript compression/optimization software
  • Issue with course enrollment email notifications using the JoomLMS-Virtuemart integration extension
  • Issue with the date-to-date discount coupons’ usage
  • UTF-8 compatibility issues in XLS reports
  • Issue with sending email notifications if Joomla! Mailer is configured to SMTP
  • Cleaned HTML tags in the 'quiz results' email
  • Issue with configuring publishing dates using 'dd-mm-yy' format
  • Squeezebox issues under Joomla 1.6.x
  • PHP fatal error when accessing the FileLibrary section (for some server configurations)
  • Users synchronization issue in SMF bridge (for some server configurations)
  • Javascript error on 'New recurrent plan' page
  • New recurrent plan' page layout adjustments
  • Added warning messages when teacher tries to set attendance for non-configured days of week
  • Administrator menu translation issues
  • Several spelling/grammar errors

JoomLMS 1.1.0 – 22 June 2011

Joomla 1.6.x compatibility was introduced