JoomLMS ELearning Blog

Corporate Training lms
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 07 Jul 2011
hits Hits: 6039

The core of any competition is that its participants always aspire to outdo and excel others in one field or another. When talking about competition people usually associate it with sports or athletic activities of any kind. We decided to broader the concept of competition with corporate training and use JoomLMS learning system as a competitive platform. Thus, competition turns into an effective form of motivating employees.

online-testing using lms
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 15 Mar 2011
hits Hits: 6583

There is no doubt that the high-quality employees are the guarantee of company success and development.
In relatively small companies candidates are interviewed and selected directly by the company CEO, while larger companies normally employ HR managers to take care of the process.

LMS and Corporate Training
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 01 Mar 2011
hits Hits: 6285

It’s not a secret that today the employee professional development or, in other words, corporate training, is the key to a company success. Corporate competitiveness increasingly depends on the employee qualification level. One of the very first steps any company has to take in order to optimize its activity is professional development of its employees. According to the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), investments in staff training significantly increase the company's financial performance.

joomlalms for learners with disabilities
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 16 Dec 2010
hits Hits: 5289

At the moment many educational establishments provide professional training for people with hearing impairment and that's great. We have also been asked if our LMS is valid for people with limited hearing, so we decided not to leave the topic unattended. After analyzing the sphere of education for hearing-impaired people we found out that it is not as perfect as one expects after all.

Lack of signers is a major issue. The profession of signer isn't too popular, there are few specialists and educational establishments could never boast of providing a decent salary. That's why it's a frequent case when a group of learners with hearing impairment is taught by a teacher who doesn't know sign language. What is he or she supposed to do?