JoomLMS ELearning Blog

Custom E-learning project
author Darya Tarliuk
date 24 Jul 2018
hits Hits: 8506

As broad as it might be, Custom E-Learning solutions include all types of software that delivers education via electronic means. Whether it is an LMS, a marketplace, or a set of custom courses, potentially, every solution is able to bring a new startup a grandstream of revenue, provided it would find its place on the market. Here are some things to consider before progressing with an idea of getting custom software solution.

Guest Posts
author Darya Tarliuk
date 10 Jul 2018
hits Hits: 7409

The most recent statistics show that there are currently more than 237 million mobile users in the US, with a tendency to scale that number all the way to 270 million users by 2022. Such a vast amount of users surely brings forth certain changes in the way we communicate online, as more and more online content is provided for mobile platforms. But will it affect the way we learn new skills and obtain work-oriented knowledge? The answer is pretty clear if we take into account how many other desktop platforms shifted their course toward mobile devices. The benefits of mobile learning give us enough reason to believe that soon e-learning is going to become more practical, approachable, and economical.

author Ilona Hetsevich
date 02 Jul 2018
hits Hits: 65052

With so many LMS options available on the market, choosing the right eLearning platform can be daunting as there are so many criteria to take into consideration. We asked our customers around the globe what made them choose JoomLMS and compiled an infographic to share the results with you.

Guest Posts
author Darya Tarliuk
date 27 Jun 2018
hits Hits: 6243

The eLearning market is expected to reach $37.6 billion by 2020 , which only means that this technology is here to stay. The question is how you personally will react to it. Will you adopt eLearning for your kids to make the most out of their education or will you decide that education should be less digital after all?

Guest Posts
author Darya Tarliuk
date 13 Jun 2018
hits Hits: 6520

Writing a good, attention-grabbing text is never easy, no matter what it's purposes are. With education courses where descriptions, titles, introductions and all of the other elements have to be impeccable and compelling, this is even more noticeable.