JoomLMS ELearning Blog

elearning business mistakes
Expert Interview
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 27 Jul 2017
hits Hits: 12589

Whether you are just thinking of starting your own eLearning business or working on making it successful and profitable, surely, time after time you have wondered why some eLearning projects succeed and others fail.
Of course, there is no single cause of the eLearning business “death” and there is a bunch of mistakes that can cost eLearning businesses millions starting from a “weak” idea to management mistakes along the business journey but we thought you might want to find out the most common ones.

ELearning Business owners regrets
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 12 Jul 2017
hits Hits: 11823

There is a lot of stuff to take care of when you run an eLearning business. Mistakes here are inevitable but they are a part of the journey and even if we lose we don’t lose the lesson. Moreover, there are things even successful online business owners regret and wish they had done differently if they could start over.

You might not have the budget for hiring a business advisor, but you do have an opportunity to learn from people who have successfully overcome the challenges that you are facing now.

LMS Dentistry
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 23 Jun 2017
hits Hits: 7318

We know that starting your own business isn’t easy and we know that you need inspiration. Of course, we could tell you about the entrepreneurs who risked to move online and got their money’s worth, but wouldn’t it be better to read the story coming straight from the horse’s mouth?

We’ve already published five cases from the Airline, Healthcare, IT, Consulting and Project Management areas. Today’s story comes from the Dental Industry.

If you are looking to chase your dream and become an online entrepreneur, looking for advice on your current eLearning project or seeking ways to get the most out of your business you will find the story worthy!

Keep reading!

LMS Corporate Training
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 16 Jun 2017
hits Hits: 7678

We continue sharing stories of online entrepreneurs who became successful online courses providers. The thing is that a Learning Management System (LMS) can be used not only for selling online courses, it is also a great means of delivering corporate training, improving company’s performance and employees’ productivity.

To help you to take advantage of online corporate training and stop you from burning cash with a traditional face-to-face approach, we’ve decided to share this IT Services and Consulting Industry corporate training case.

eLearning podcasts
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 12 Jun 2017
hits Hits: 12265

Making a bold launch for an online courses business and even more so getting it up and running successfully is praiseworthy. Unfortunately, practice shows not everyone manages to build a six-figure business and secure a steady income stream.

How to make headway then? How to start an online courses business? How to attract a bunch of clients willing to study and be trained online? Where to get knowledge about eLearning basics, the fundamentals of online courses business promotion, eLearning trends, misconceptions and thing to be aware of?

If these questions have been bothering you for a long time, then the podcast episodes collection we’ve gathered is worth listening to.

Sit back and put your earphones on!