JoomLMS ELearning Blog

Guest Posts
author Darya Tarliuk
date 27 Mar 2018
hits Hits: 5770

Now, you have an opportunity to update your brain with the press of a button. After all, smart devices are an extension to our brain’s functionality. Our entire lifestyles depend on them and future historians will regard our era as one defined by the smartphone. With this context in mind, you need to download some essential mobile apps into your phone that will enhance your abilities as a student.

That is what we are going to advise you on today. Just a few simple, free apps installed on your device will make a world of a difference to your student life. These blogs will serve in different spheres of your academia. Together, they will culminate to propel you towards success.

Guest Posts
author Darya Tarliuk
date 06 Mar 2018
hits Hits: 9886

ELearning courses have rapidly become an increasingly popular form of online content. The Google search term alone now pings back nearly 16 million results. However, that doesn’t mean that everything is covered. ELearning courses are designed to educate and inspire people around the world on how to complete and carry out certain tasks, whether it’s improving the SEO ranking of your website, or even cooking a 3-course meal for four people; the possibilities are endless. When it comes to your business, these courses can also be extremely popular. If you feel like your next big content project could come in the form of an eLearning course, but you don’t know where to begin, don’t worry. Here are the ten steps you can take from start to finish.

Guest Posts
author Darya Tarliuk
date 19 Feb 2018
hits Hits: 6391

You might have experienced or heard it from someone else who finds it difficult to remember what is taught in a conventional classroom environment. I invite you to delve into the benefits of VR in the education system using the following scenarios:

Guest Posts
author Darya Tarliuk
date 06 Feb 2018
hits Hits: 7061

Over the last few years, everything has changed thanks to the advances in technology. Nowadays, we have the ability to access so much information, all from just a couple of clicks on our keyboard and it’s changing the way we see the world.

Implementation of AI into eLearning
Expert Interview
author Darya Tarliuk
date 20 Jan 2018
hits Hits: 11096

Every day we hear more and more about the impact that Artificial Intelligence gains in every sphere of our life. In order to discover how AI implementation is going to change the eLearning we decided to ask Christopher Pappas to share his views and find out what he thinks about it. Christopher is an experienced eLearning specialist and the Founder of the eLearning Industry’s Network.