author Darya Tarliuk
author 24 Jul 2018
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As broad as it might be, Custom E-Learning solutions include all types of software that delivers education via electronic means. Whether it is an LMS, a marketplace, or a set of custom courses, potentially, every solution is able to bring a new startup a grandstream of revenue, provided it would find its place on the market. Here are some things to consider before progressing with an idea of getting custom software solution.


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Learning Management System As broad as it might be, Custom E-Learning solutions include all types of software that delivers education via electronic means. Whether it is an LMS, a marketplace, or a set of custom courses, potentially, every solution is able to bring a new startup a grandstream of revenue, provided it would find its place on the market. Here are some things to consider before progressing with an idea of getting custom software solution. New system for eLearning Scalability Be prepared for a great success. It is not an easy task to attract millions of people to your product. But you have to be ready for huge numbers of users to welcome them at your software. Unique Features As the market is crowded, your product has to have distinctive features to stand out from the crowd. Following trends and producing software accordingly is extremely valuable. Few Budget Constraints Do not expect money flow come in the first couple of months of the product being on the market. Building LMS from scratch costs loads of money. Customizing an existing LMS Lower Scalability Requirements In most cases, LMS has an excessive set of functions that you don’t need for it to operate correctly and effectively. Getting a customized solution, you will potentially have more problems with the scalability. Unique Process If the distinctive feature you’ve got in the LMS is in your teaching methods, the best solution for you is customizing the ready product. Limited Budget As most of the functions are already “there”, customizing an existing LMS is the less costly option. For startups that value every dollar, this aspect could be critical. The Circle of the Development Process: Requirements analysis Design Implementation Testing Evolution Elearning Solution development In order to create a robust and comprehensive eLearning solution you would require to cover all the essentials. Content They say content is the king. For the modern E-Learning courses it is very true. The best way to collect and transmit the information about these courses is by using the following E-Learning standards: SCORM xAPI LTI AICC Design for learners side Without a doubt, the most important part of product design is the one the end user sees. There are certain requirements on this: Easy access to all the necessary features Unobtrusive and helping design to avoid destruction Notifications Communication with instructor and other learners Adaptive and responsive Design for admin and instructor Usually not as hard in development as design for learners, design for the instructor tend to have plenty of requirements as well, main of which is fast accessibility. Here is the full list of these requirements: Quick and easy access to course management Users management Improving overall readability Gamification The learning process doesn’t have to be boring. On the opposite, engaging and motivating courses is just what learning app creators are aiming for. Gamification helps with creating competition and entertainment. Various leaderboards, rewards for course completion and other features of such kind are extremely important for modern learning software. Progress bar Badges Leaderboard Experience points and levels In-app Currency Marketing Promotion is vital for the software success. Without a proper marketing strategy, your work will die poor and forgotten (or rather never been heard of) unless you will MAKE people hear of it. There are some legit ways to do it. Ads Social Marketing Content Markleting Monetization Let’s be honest. While bringing education to the world is noble, interesting and exciting, people mostly do it for the money. E-Learning is a huge industry that rewards its best representatives with tons of cash. As for product monetizations, there is more than one way to get revenue. Paid lessons Freemium Subscription Ads Commision