author Ilona Hetsevich
author 07 Jul 2011
author Hits: 5985
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The core of any competition is that its participants always aspire to outdo and excel others in one field or another. When talking about competition people usually associate it with sports or athletic activities of any kind. We decided to broader the concept of competition with corporate training and use JoomLMS learning system as a competitive platform. Thus, competition turns into an effective form of motivating employees.

The article was last updated on August 24th 2016.

The core of any competition is that its participants always aspire to outdo and excel others in one field or another. When talking about competition people usually associate it with sports or athletic activities of any kind. We decided to broader the concept of competition with corporate training and use JoomLMS learning system as a competitive platform. Thus, competition turns into an effective form of motivating employees.

JoomLMS distance learning system is integrated with social networking JomSocial. JomSocial is one of the most popular Joomla! CMS components that allows creating social networks (online communities). With the help of JoomLMS/JomSocial integration all users’ information associated with JoomLMS training will be displayed on their personal JomSocial pages. Such information as My Courses or My Certificates will be available to all the members of social network, each employee will get access to different groups of professional development courses . Regardless of whether these courses are obligatory for everyone or just for certain groups of workers or optional -they are still effective for understanding of different issues and professional refinement.

JomSocial integration will enable every employee to create a personal profile and take part in a corporate blog. The profile will display any desired information about the employee, including their position in the company, working hours etc. And certainly, it will have the information on the courses the employee took and the certificates they received.

JoomLMS + JomSocial

No doubt, the information on colleagues’ achievements will evoke the effect of competition making employees to take a more active role in their own learning and to enroll in additional courses. The company can even create unique tasks and courses that must be successfully completed by an employee to qualify for promotion to certain positions. In this case, each employee will be able to estimate the existing competition and to determine their own way up their career.


In a short time we will observe the results of the created effect of competition. Every employee will be striving to improve their knowledge and skills to raise their professional level and not to lag behind. Over time, more and more employees will be involved in the corporate competition and the quality of their work will improve. All these will eventually lead to stability of employment, increase total work productivity and, consequently, multiply the company's income.

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