author Ilona Hetsevich
author 15 Mar 2011
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There is no doubt that the high-quality employees are the guarantee of company success and development.
In relatively small companies candidates are interviewed and selected directly by the company CEO, while larger companies normally employ HR managers to take care of the process.

The article was last updated on August 24th 2016.

 There is no doubt that the high-quality employees are the guarantee of company success and development.

In relatively small companies candidates are interviewed and selected directly by the company CEO, while larger companies normally employ HR managers to take care of the process. HR manager's tasks may include:

lms for testing

When hiring an employee, it’s essential to evaluate such characteristics of a potential worker as knowledge, professional skills (experience) and personal qualities. There is no universal method for an objective assessment whether a candidate possesses necessary qualities and skills or not. The process of finding the right employee is rather long. It can take up to several months before making a decision.

The recruiting process can be greatly simplified by automation of even a small part of the selection process.

Here is a way to reduce not only time but costs and quickly find employees without resorting to labor recruitment companies.

Let’s assume the candidate finds an interesting vacancy on the company’s official website and sends a resume. HR-manager reviews it and in case of positive impression contacts the candidate suggesting to take several online tests. There are three stages of the tests. The first stage allows evaluating the level of candidate’s theoretical knowledge; the second – practical skills and experience. And finally the third stage is a psychological test that allows determining personal characteristics. After completing each test, the candidate gets an evaluation report indicating the score. If it falls beyond the specified score, the candidate fails and his candidacy is automatically withdrawn. If the candidate successfully passes all three tests, they are offered to complete the last test-survey. The HR-manager receives all the tests results.

In that way the HR-manager saves plenty of time on interviewing every candidate.
Obviously only experienced professionals can create the tests that would thoroughly analyze the qualities of potential employees.
Let’s take a look at how this idea is realized in JoomLMS.
You are going to create four tests: three of them for analyzing the candidate’s knowledge, skills and personal qualities; the fourth one will be a test-survey:

lms for testing

Image1. List of tests for candidate selection

After adding the necessary tests, you need to configure a Learning path to set the tests order and conditions:

lms trial

Image 2. Adding tests to a Learning path

You need to restrict the access to the test until the previous test is passed by the candidate. JoomLMS has a Conditions  tool for that. Leave the first test available to everyone, but for other tests select the check box Student must complete, and then choose the name of the previous test from the drop-down menu:

test students lms

Image 3. Adding conditions for passing the second test

If the candidate successfully passes all four tests, the results will be automatically sent to the HR-manager’s email. The whole process will look like this:

lms for HR needs

As we can see, the LMS system can automate and simplify the personal selection process. This idea can also be employed for candidates’ databases at employment agencies.

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