author Ilona Hetsevich
author 24 Nov 2011
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JoomLMS is a multifunctional platform for distant learning organization. Very often it happens so that the complete set of its options isn’t called for when the system is used.

The article was last updated on August 24th 2016.

JoomLMS is a multifunctional platform for distant learning organization. Very often it happens so that the complete set of its options isn’t called for when the system is used.

Let’s take a look at JoomLMS default system interface. This is what end user will see when working with the system either studying the learning materials or creating/managing new courses (image 1).

joomlms course

Image 1. JoomLMS user interface

To enhance the system efficiency it’s necessary to configure software user interface for the end user to work in it conveniently. In order to make the end user menu more intuitive it’s possible to disable unnecessary services in JoomLMS. If you disable all the unnecessary services the menu will become much smaller and more convenient to work with, users will spend less time for studying the interface and extra manipulations.

Let’s take a course with theoretical learning materials and tests for example. How is it better to configure the user menu for any student taking a random course and how should it be done?

There are more than 15 available items in the main user menu (see image 1). Which menu items will be necessary for our imaginary student is shown in the following table:

Menu item

Short description



Brings a user to JoomLMS Home page



Brings a user to JoomLMS Courses List



Brings a user to the Courses Subscriptions page


File library

Brings a user to the Library with additional materials


Course home

Brings a user to the Course Home page



Allows a user to add/edit announcements



Allows a user to work with course documents, add, edit, delete them


Learning Paths

Allows a user to work with the course learning modules



Allows a user to work with links



Allows a user to take tests



Allows a user to work with DropBox



Allows a user to do home tasks



Allows a user to set attendance



Allows a user to work with chat



Allows a user to work with grades



Allows a user to send mails


User Options

Allows a user to toggle Student/Teacher mode



Online help forJoomLMS


Image 2. Disabling unnecessary menu items ( +/enable, - / disable)

In order to enable or disable unnecessary items please enter the 4th step of a course builder, see image 3.

joomlms learners tools

Image 3. End user menu configuration panel

After saving the changes we will see a simplified JoomLMS student menu with no extra items, see image 4.

shortened list of student's icons joomlms

Image 4. Configured student menu user interface

We described above how it’s possible to configure the user interface particularly for Student user role for a certain course.

It’s possible to configure JoomLMS tool menu for Teachers in the same way. It’s preferable to allow Teacher to create announcements, set grades, upload materials and edit course contents and quiz questions. In case Teacher should only supervise the learning process without changing course materials it’s possible to disable this option.

In JoomLMS system there is a possibility to configure interfaces for various user groups from Joomla! CMS administration panel that will be applied to all courses imported to the system. To do that you need to enter Joomla! CMS administrator back-end -> Components- > JoomLMS -> Menu Manager, select the user group and publish or unpublish necessary menu items.

unpublish student menu joomlms

There is another user interface configuration option we would like to pay some attention to. It’s a special menu module for JoomLMS (an extension) which is installed as any other module and can be output at any position on your website. To add a new menu item enter Admin area -Menus- Manage -Add a new item - Select JoomLMS as its type. See image 5.

unpublish student menu joomlms

We showed you how you can change your system user interface. If any questions appear please feel free to contact JoomLMS support. Our team will gladly provide further assistance.

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How to Organize ELearning Content Effectively with JoomLMS
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