author Ilona Hetsevich
author 02 Nov 2017
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Data security is one of the most important issues nowadays. Thousands of websites are hacked and blacklisted every day, losing their data, reputation and search ranking. In addition to the reputation damage, hacking causes financial harm, emotional distress and clients’ confidence loss. That is why so much attention is paid to the system security and reliability.

One of the purposes for acquiring an LMS is to store and exchange confidential information. Companies use eLearning software to inform employees about company’s policy, products and services, organizational structure and strategic plans, the leak of which can undermine company’s authority, lead to a breach or data loss in a system. That is why together with such fundamental features as LMS flexibility, integration capability, easy tracking, reporting and usability, equal attention should be paid to LMS security.

Is JoomLMS secure?

JoomLMS is Joomla! CMS-centered eLearning software. Joomla! developers are paying a lot of attention to security vulnerabilities and it makes Joomla! CMS one of the most secure open-source CMS systems. Joomla! security applies to JoomLMS and thus makes the software completely secure for keeping confidential data. But still it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take some additional protective measures.

  • User Management configuration

    JoomLMS provides users’ roles setup. It allows controlling what activities users are allowed to perform, what data they have access to and whom they can work with. This way you protect the confidential information from low-level access users and reduce the risk of data security compromising.

    user management joomlms

  • Data protection

    All the files that are uploaded to the JoomLMS “Documents” section are completely safe and cannot be downloaded by a direct link. Even a registered user cannot access the file if he is not granted the respective permission. In addition, Professional JoomLMS version allows setting custom permissions for different folders in the Documents section. This ensures data security inside JoomLMS.

  • Password management

    One of the most common hacking reasons is weak passwords that are easy to guess. The problems spread further than just using logins like “admin” or passwords like “qwerty”. The researches on security show that most of users’ passwords or security questions they need to answer retrieving the passwords are publically available on their social profiles and are easy to spot.

    A Joomla!-based LMS gives you an opportunity to prevent hacking. Here are some useful advices:

    • Change Joomla! “admin” password regularly;
    • Advise JoomLMS users to change their passwords on their first login;
    • Set a limit on the number of failed login attempts;
    • Don’t allow reusing old passwords;
    • Enable an automated notification to be sent when a password is changed;
    • Don’t allow password sharing.
  • Follow JoomLMS System requirements

    JoomLMS requires PHP version up to 8.2 in order to run. The measures are necessary to avoid any security breaches in future.

  • Follow Joomla! Security Recommendations

    Joomla! Community devotes a lot of time to public awareness on Joomla! websites security by recommending special reading, developing Security Guides and answering Joomla! Security Questions on forums. Constant updates and website backups, reliable extensions and hosting provider usage, installing Joomla! Security Extensions, getting rid of unused ones etc. All you need to know is available here

  • The above mentioned tips will not prevent you from all the unforeseen circumstances but will help you to protect your data from leaking and your company from financial losses. By taking those steps you secure your LMS users!