author Ilona Hetsevich
author 30 Jul 2012
author Hits: 6131
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Let’s talk about the diversity of e-learning resources that allow you to enrich your online training.

Let’s talk about the diversity of e-learning resources that allow you to enrich your online training.

  • -Are you tired of uploading the same files into your Learning Management System and making your learners training process a dull routine?
  • -Do you wish to make your e-learning environment diverse by turning the standard courses into an exciting and informative learning process, much easier to grasp thanks to the use of multimedia, pictures, and entertaining quizzes?
  • -Are you aiming to attract more clients to your learning resource and increase your profit or just wish to improve the quality of your trainees knowledge? If your answer is yes, then here is our advice:

The organization of the learning material in a SCORM format is a wonderful alternative to the use of your LMS inbuilt tools. The main advantage of the SCORM is its interoperability. If you produce e-learning SCORM content, it allows uploading a number of different materials into the SCORM compliant LMS at once. SCORM package allows a seamless and simple integration thanks to its easy portability across Learning Management Systems. No reconfiguration or complex installation is needed to deliver a SCORM package to an online course from any location (see image1).

scorm lms

Image 1 Example of a SCORM configuration in Articulate Presenter

Nowadays, there is no lack in SCORM producing authoring tools for an independent SCORM creation. Different authoring tools (Articulate Presenter, Camtasia Studio, Rapid Authoring Tools, Adobe Captivate) offer a wide choice of instruments for the creation of both simple courses and complex interactive step-by-step learning modules:

scorm benefits

Image 2 Example of a SCORM created with PowerPointForce Authoring Tool

scorm elearning

Image 3 Example of a SCORM created with QuizForce Authoring Tool

It is not obligatory to design and build your e-learning courses from point zero by yourself, as now a lot of third party companies offer the “off-the-shelf” ready solutions in strict accordance with the elaborated standards. Here are the examples of reliable SCORM courses recourses: http://www.skillsoft.com (popular web resource), https://www.opensesame.com (SCORM, AICC and video courses marketplace containing thousands of courses from reliable providers).

Finally, to facilitate the customers’ task implementation, many LMS providers offer their assistance in courses creation and design. JoomLMS team of highly experienced designers, programmers and support managers is always happy to assist you in creation of learning courses on the basis of your materials and the organization of online courses in JoomLMS system according to your unique learning requirements.

What to read next?
How to Start a Career in the ELearning Field?
What is a Learning Management System?
Glossary of the Must-Know ELearning Terms