author Ilona Hetsevich
author 25 Jun 2014
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Being LMS developers we are interested in delivering the best possible eLearning experience for our customers. However, eLearning software is just a small piece of eLearning mechanism intended for tailoring successful and effective eLearning. Besides Learning Management System there are such aspects as audience and industry knowledge, learning incentive, course content, design and strategy. How well you build a course determines how well the knowledge will be absorbed. However, in some cases a company faces lack of time, finance or experience problems and the course quality is under threat. In such cases Rapid eLearning strategy comes…

The article was last updated on August 19th 2016.

Being LMS developers we are interested in delivering the best possible eLearning experience for our customers. However, eLearning software is just a small piece of eLearning mechanism intended for tailoring successful and effective eLearning. Besides Learning Management System there are such aspects as audience and industry knowledge, learning incentive, course content, design and strategy. How well you build a course determines how well the knowledge will be absorbed. However, in some cases a company faces lack of time, finance or experience problems and the course quality is under threat. In such cases Rapid eLearning strategy comes…

The term Rapid eLearning has been a buzz for a while and since its launch has gotten its adherents and opponents. The main idea of rapid eLearning is creating courses within shorter period of time, within smaller budget, making fewer efforts and involving minimum resources. However, it is a well-known fact that there is no gain without pain and great quality cannot be achieved without effort. That is why we’d like to look into rapid eLearning and clarify how and when it works.

Rapid eLearning in comparison with the traditional one is being built within weeks, not months: mainly, on account of pre-prepared templates and other graphic materials or lack of necessity to use qualitative and diverse visuals (foreign language studying for example).

The content is created with the help of PowerPoint presentation, by means of authoring tools converted into SCORM format and later on transferred into Learning Management System.

upload scorm to joomlms

The main advantage of this kind of eLearning development is the lack of necessity to have programming knowledge. QuizForce, WordForce and PowerPointForce rapid authoring tools are at your disposal. The authoring toold are free to use. However it you want to use any other authoring tool avaialble on the market, feel free to do so. JoomLMS supports SCORM 1.2 and 2004 formats.

Another rapid eLearning benefit is course circulation: the course can be developed, delivered, reviewed, analyzed and edited fast instead of requiring a long process of development and concurrence with designers and programmers. The changes are applied in the process of learning without waste of time and excessiveness.

The cases when rapid eLearning is the best solution include:

  • A short project life cycle;
  • Low-funded project;
  • Lack of learning development experience;
  • Lack of personnel;
  • Frequently changing business environment (legislation, technology);
  • Constantly changing course data (banking, insurance, accounting);
  • Obligatory courses like sexual harassment prevention training.

On the other side, the courses that have been created within a short period of time are frequently characterized as boring not engaging and as a result not effective. To avoid this, storytelling technique exists: A guide on using storytelling in eLearning practice. Another option is using interactive quizzes, visual elements, videos and games or combining online and offline training (so-called blended learning).

And again, learners’ performance measurement is a must! Read more in the blog post How to use LMS reporting to improve eLearning performance.

To sum up, no matter which, rapid or traditional, approach you choose, the result will strongly depends of course design and filling.

What do you think about rapid eLearning? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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