author Darya Tarliuk
author 11 Aug 2023
author Hits: 16966
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Dear clients, we are glad to announce JoomLMS 3.0 release.

The new version is Joomla! 4.x compatible.

JoomLMS 3.0 is available for upgrade in the administration area of your website and for purchase in our store.


  • Joomla 4.x compatibility;
  • MySQL8 compatibility fixes;
  • PHP 8.1.x compatibility fixes;
  • Code refactoring, 3PD libraries upgrade, security;


  • performance optimizations;
  • minor UI adjustments/improvements;

Steps to upgrade your Joomla! 3.x websites with JoomLMS versions older than 2.3.0:

- upgrade your JoomLMS to 2.3.0

- upgrade your Joomla! to the latest 3.10.x version (3.10.12 as of this post)

- upgrade your PHP to 7.4.x (make sure all your installed extensions are compatible)

Steps to upgrade your Joomla! 3.x website with JoomLMS 2.3.0 installed:

- upgrade your Joomla! to 3.10.x

- upgrade JoomLMS to 3.0.0

- check and upgrade all your extensions (if you are considering upgrading your Joomla! to 4.x)

- upgrade your PHP to 8.1.x (8.2.x is not supported yet)

- [optional] upgrade your Joomla! to 4.3.x (make sure all your installed extensions are compatible)

- run 'full database check' in JoomLMS

To find more fixes and improvements visit our changelog

We encourage you to update the system to take advantage of the new features and fixes. If you need help with the upgrade process, please send a ticket to the helpdesk department.