author Ilona Hetsevich
author 05 Apr 2016
author Hits: 9156
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JoomLMS Learning Management System has been recently reviewed by an independent software review platform – FinancesOnline. After an in-depth analysis JoomLMS was distinguished with Great User Experience and Rising Star Awards for their best learning management software category. JoomLMS also meet experts’ quality standards and it was granted our Verified Quality Seal.

JoomLMS Learning Management System has been recently reviewed by an independent software review platform – FinancesOnline. After an in-depth analysis JoomLMS was distinguished with Great User Experience and Rising Star Awards for their best learning management software category. JoomLMS also meet experts’ quality standards and it was granted a Verified Quality Seal.

joomlalms awards

Great User Experience certificate is granted to LMS solutions that are well-designed, easy to start working with and which features facilitate the work process.

Rising Star certificate is given to Learning Management Systems that are getting a good traction from the clients.

JoomLMS user satisfaction is 100%, the total score is 8 out of 10.

You can read full JoomLMS review at FinancesOnline website.

JoomLMS team is thankful for a positive review and the awards given to JoomLMS.

We promise to work harder to improve our rating and market position.


LMS User Experience