author Darya Tarliuk
author 13 Oct 2017
author Hits: 6630
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JoomlaLMS 2.1.5 release

Dear clients, we are glad to announce JoomLMS 2.1.5 release. The new version is Joomla 3.8.x compatible.

JoomLMS 2.1.5 is available for upgrade in the administration area of your website and for purchase in our store.

JoomLMS 2.1.5 New Features and Improvements:

Joomla 3.8.x compatibility;

Possibility to change user group for a batch of users from backend is added;

Possibility to Show/Hide resources with prerequisites. This setting can be configured on a per-course basis. If enabled, resources with prerequisites previously unavailable for users will be shown in the list of resources as grayed-out (they still can’t be taken) is added;

Possibility to add 'free' courses into paid subscriptions is added.

JoomLMS 2.1.4 Bugfixes:

  • Problems in SCORM player related to multi-SCO SCORMs are fixed;
  • Problem with showing Announcements, Assignments, Mailbox tabs on LMS homepage is fixed;
  • Completion report SQL queries and performance optimizations are fixed;
  • Completion report user group filtering, problems related to custom roles access permissions are fixed;
  • Site time zone estimation problems are fixed;
  • Hotspot questions displaying in the quiz review mode problem is fixed;
  • Ordering of submitted assignments is corrected;
  • Several problems with custom user roles removal are fixed;
  • Inability to edit/delete modules in 5th step of Course Builder is fixed (on Joomla 3.8.x only);
  • Errors in Learning Paths with specific content are fixed;
  • Access to documents in Learning Paths problem is fixed;
  • Problems in displaying images in quiz questions feedbacks are fixed;
  • Problem with quizzes reports page layout on small screen resolutions is fixed;
  • Hotspot questions layout in IE browser is fixed;
  • Problem with Quizzes layout within the Learning Path is fixed.

What is Coming Next?

In the next JoomLMS release, you will be able to enjoy LTI support and the native forum functionality. Please follow the updates.

We encourage you to update the system to take advantage of the new features and fixes. If you need help with the upgrade process, please send a ticket to the helpdesk department.