JoomLMS ELearning Blog

Expert Interview
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 26 Sep 2016
hits Hits: 11414

Today we are delighted to welcome to the JoomLMS blog an eLearning expert, author of E-Learning Provocateur blog and a former ELearning magazine editorial board member - Ryan Tracey.

The funny thing is that when we discussed an interview topic with Ryan, he chose “Advanced technologies needed to foster online learning within the organization” because he had an opposite opinion on the topic. Provocative, right?

Let’s check what Ryan had in mind…

Interview with Kyle Pace
Expert Interview
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 31 May 2016
hits Hits: 17040

Technology integration has become an integral part of a modern curriculum; however, there any still many teachers who don’t want to use technology tools in everyday practice. The reasons start from the unwillingness to give up time-tested techniques to the belief that technology doesn’t bring any value. To help teachers to overcome their concerns and give insights into integrating technology in the classroom we talked to an instructional technology specialist – Kyle Pace.

Student-Centered Approach
Expert Interview
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 13 Apr 2016
hits Hits: 23090

Have you heard about a student-centered approach to learning? Chances of a positive answer are pretty high. Numerous researches show the effectiveness of learner-centered education with a focus shift from a teacher to a learner. To help you to apply a student-centered approach in the distant learning environment and highlight typical obstacles you can face trying to adopt student-centered projects across the curriculum we interviewed an educator, teacher, Director of Technology and consultant – Troy Patterson.

Expert Interview
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 24 Mar 2016
hits Hits: 15330

You’ve bought a Learning Management System, invested a lot of money into marketing and promotion but didn’t receive the return on investments. Students drop your classes and don’t recommend your online courses to the peers as they think the class wasn’t worth their money and time.

Sounds familiar?

Student-Centered Approach
Expert Interview
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 08 Feb 2016
hits Hits: 19495

Traditional teaching methodologies such as reading a text and answering the questions have run out of steam and need to be replaced by innovative techniques that resonate with the needs of modern learners. Today’s student wants to be an active participant of the studying process and you can easily satisfy this need by applying a student-centered approach. Not familiar with the term? Don’t worry, Sam Gliksman, an eLearning guru and author a book “Creating Media for Learning. Student –centered Projects across the curriculum” will explain it to you.